SceMp3InitArg Struct Reference

#include <src/mp3/pspmp3.h>

Data Fields

SceUInt32 mp3StreamStart
 Stream start position.
SceUInt32 unk1
 Unknown - set to 0.
SceUInt32 mp3StreamEnd
 Stream end position.
SceUInt32 unk2
 Unknown - set to 0.
 Pointer to a buffer to contain raw mp3 stream data (+1472 bytes workspace)
SceInt32 mp3BufSize
 Size of mp3Buf buffer (must be >= 8192)
 Pointer to decoded pcm samples buffer.
SceInt32 pcmBufSize
 Size of pcmBuf buffer (must be >= 9216)

Field Documentation

SceVoid* SceMp3InitArg::mp3Buf

Pointer to a buffer to contain raw mp3 stream data (+1472 bytes workspace)

SceInt32 SceMp3InitArg::mp3BufSize

Size of mp3Buf buffer (must be >= 8192)

SceUInt32 SceMp3InitArg::mp3StreamEnd

Stream end position.

SceUInt32 SceMp3InitArg::mp3StreamStart

Stream start position.

SceVoid* SceMp3InitArg::pcmBuf

Pointer to decoded pcm samples buffer.

SceInt32 SceMp3InitArg::pcmBufSize

Size of pcmBuf buffer (must be >= 9216)

SceUInt32 SceMp3InitArg::unk1

Unknown - set to 0.

SceUInt32 SceMp3InitArg::unk2

Unknown - set to 0.

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